Emergency Response & Family Assistance - SM4 Safety Articles & Resources

Business meeting in glass conference room

The National Incident Management System

FEMA’s Mandated Approach To Incident Response In responding to acts of crime and terrorism, hangar mishaps and facility disasters, it’s crucial to integrate your plan with community resources since poor…

Posted on October 1, 2011
Team of five people studying blueprints

From Where I Sit…These Are Good Folks To Know

The International Society of Air Safety Investigators, better known as ISASI, is a unique group of professionals pursuing excellence in aviation accident investigation and safety. The Society of Air Safety…

Posted on October 1, 2011

Planning Basics

Because your organization is unique, your response to an aviation accident or incident will also be unique. It will reflect the circumstances of the loss and it will reflect your…

Posted on July 15, 2011

Legal Issues

An aviation accident or incident can create significant legal challenges. Your response plan should address the strategies and tools that you will use to meet those challenges. Your post accident…

Posted on July 15, 2011
Microphones on a podium

Clearing the Air on Family Assistance, Part III: If The Unthinkable Happens, Will We Be In It Alone?

In your response plan development, you should decide whether to provide family assistance on your own, entrust assistance support to a service provider, or develop a hybrid approach. Recent mishap…

Posted on July 1, 2011
Man in distress with head in hands

Clearing the Air on Family Assistance, Part II: Family Assistance. So What IS It?

“When it comes to working with survivors and family members, I recognize that there are resource limitations, cultural sensitivities and, quite frankly, emotional anxiety. But I will tell you three…

Posted on April 1, 2011

The Care of Survivors and Families

The plan for your response to survivors and their families is one of the most important parts of your program. If you make mistakes as you manage your response to…

Posted on October 15, 2010
Woman hugging boy

Clearing the Air

“Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.” “…and I said, ‘Mr. President, we had an accident today. It’s a disaster.’ And his first response was, ‘Where…

Posted on October 1, 2010
Yellow sign that reads "Risks Ahead"

A Culture Of Readiness And Responsibility

“Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer,German theologian In the preceding SM4 newsletter we stepped away from the written plan and examined the elements…

Posted on April 1, 2010