The Global Aerospace Commitment to Safety
The Global Aerospace SM4 Safety Program has revolutionized the way insurance specialists help their clients achieve higher levels of operational safety. Launched in 2010, and the first program of its kind, SM4 was built on the concept of integrating four critical safety components: planning, prevention, response and recovery. Its mission is to help organizations manage risk, enrich training efforts, strengthen safety culture and improve safety management systems.

Data Sharing: The Heartbeat of Safety in the Skies
Flying today is anything but a simple, straightforward path. Pilots have multiple factors to consider for ensuring the safest and most sustainable flight experience.

The Insidious Nature of the Routine
When routine tasks become familiar and are no longer actively assessed for threats, they often are the first link in an error chain that results in a serious mishap. It is natural for crews to become comfortable with seemingly low-risk tasks, allowing complacency and distractions to permeate their focused attention.