Convergent Performance
Human Factors and Performance Improvement
Convergent Performance is a human factors training and consulting firm with expertise in performance optimization; physiology and psychology of human error; measurement and development of professionalism; achieving Level III professionalism; advanced air crew and maintenance resource management; fatigue risk management; Automation Airmanship® and human-machine interface; procedures and checklist development; safety culture assessment and development; airport SMS; and professional development (Aviation Manager and Leadership Training). www.convergentperformance.com
Convergent provides customized safety services for Global Aerospace Vista Elite clients in the United States. These services are designed to help enhance and support your existing safety programs. Some examples of programs we have provided to our clients are shown below. SM4 Vista Elite benefits are unique and customized for each flight department. (Scope of benefits depends on size of operation)
Human factor initiatives addressing:
- Mature flight departments who fear a possible loss of engagement and creeping complacency inside their routine operations.
- Maintenance distractions, complacency, eliminating dangerous assumptions
- Crew Resource Management to include in-flight planning, cockpit discipline, eliminating distractions
SM4 Articles Authored by Convergent Performance