Convergent Performance - SM4 Safety Articles & Resources

Let’s Get Personal (About Risk)
Aviation loves to talk about risk management. Insurance companies, manufacturers, and organizations all fully embrace the concept and know that to make it work on the line, we must get people at all levels and from all functional areas to embrace it. Tools such as the Flight Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT) are noble attempts, but at the core of it all lies the simple fact that people, as individuals, view risk differently.

How High Demand Can Lead to Decreased Professionalism
It’s a good time to be an aviation professional. Demand is high, and supply is low. Options are many. Wages are up. For the first time in years, professionals in the aviation industry have the upper hand. But there is a dark underbelly to these good times.

The Art of Influence Has Never Been More Important—or More Overlooked
As our industry continues to grind through the growth pains of a generational handoff, the art of peer-to-peer influence has never been more critical. While executive leadership is important, attitudes, values and culture are shaped informally by experienced line employees and first-line supervisors operating far, far away from the C-suites.

The Flip Side of Psychological Safety
From a human factors perspective, we might be evolving towards a partial power situation. In the evolving landscape of workplace dynamics in pursuit of improved safety, the concept of psychological safety has gained significant traction. It’s the bedrock of an organizational culture that fosters open communication, innovation, and growth.

Three-Word Magic
There are many well-known three-word mantras that serve as “human performance shorthand” and can help us handle stressful situations more effectively. One new one we could all probably benefit from in our personal lives is “Relax – Reassess – Re-engage.” When the stuff hits the fan, it gives us somewhere to go mentally, and using it regularly improves the life-saving skill known as mental agility.

What Would Marcus Aurelius Do?
In a recent discussion with an experienced pilot about this, he immediately gave his biggest concern. “It’s not just about pilots or air traffic controllers, everybody is new,” he said. From maintenance personnel to ground support, thousands of new entries into our industry are learning as they go and making simple mistakes along the way. It has always been this way with inexperienced people, but now we have a lot more of them.

A Time for Reflection and a Call to Action
As we prepare to flip the calendar from 2022 to 2023, will we do so with something other than a few new gifts and a list of New Year’s resolutions? How can we best use this moment to make a lasting and positive change in our personal lives and organizations?

What Does Modern Airmanship Mean to You?
The 9 Principles of Automation Airmanship, learned and applied and elaborated on over time with experience and insights gained from personal curiosity, research and training can form a resilient pattern of flight deck discipline that can fundamentally change how an individual pilot interacts with their aircraft and crew in the 21st Century.

Riptide: Psychological Safety in a Cancel-Culture World
There is a dangerous riptide taking place between what is acceptable in our society and what is necessary in our workplace. As everything turns into an “us vs. them” war of opinions, the ability to respectfully listen to others is rapidly becoming a lost art. Aviation must, once again, demonstrate its leadership in constructive communication.