Upset Prevention & Recovery Training - SM4 Safety Articles & Resources

Why Angle of Attack (AoA)?
Aviation authorities around the world, including our own FAA, have made conquering Loss of Control Inflight (LOC-I) a top priority. In order to take on the #1 cause of fatalities…

UPRT Skills Transferability: Effectively Addressing the #1 Killer in Aviation Today
Why would I train in an aerobatic airplane when I normally fly a corporate jet? Or a twin turboprop? These are common questions to which Upset Prevention and Recovery Training…
A Step-by-Step Guide to Prevent Skills Atrophy
Congratulations, you’ve finally earned every certificate you’ve ever wanted. Well done! Unfortunately, you have already begun to experience “skills atrophy”, affecting all that you have just worked so hard to…
Upset Training Without Getting Sick!
Both the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recognize on-aircraft Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) as the best method to combat the loss of…
Training to “Startle”
The “Startle” response, common to all mammals, reptiles, fish, and humans – including pilots of any and every skill or experience level, is an innate and involuntary reaction to sudden…
Training Investments and Protecting Assets
On-aircraft Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT) is being presented across the industry as a supplement to recurrent academic and simulator training.

Experiential Learning and the Importance of On-Aircraft UPRT Programs
You fly to a simulated abeam position in the landing pattern with your instructor, and you begin to pull power and start your ‘approach to land.’ The instructor imitates a…