Safety Culture & Promotion - SM4 Safety Articles & Resources
Just for You – What Is A “Just Culture”?
In many workplaces people are hesitant to take notice of, or speak up, about conditions that cry out for improvement.
The New Normal—IOSA and SMS
Best Practices for Safety Programs There is no absolute, never-to-be-improved-upon, standard for a safety program. We apply what works, what is learned, often as a result of an accident or…
Just Culture
Creating and maintaining a Just Culture as part of your organization is key to effective safety management. Although it is a bit dated, the 2004 Flight Safety Foundation publication, “A…
Safety Culture
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) is a leader in safety science and safety management. Download a PDF copy of their “Safety Culture Policy Statement.”
Professionalism 101: Why We Must Re-Address Professional Ethics
Professional ethics is a deceptively complex issue. It is personal, volatile and potentially a legal powder keg. It makes people nervous. This is true largely because any discussion of ethics involves questioning…
Aren’t We All Professionals? The cult of self-esteem is getting people killed.
Recently, a pilot buddy in a position of authority shared a story of what occurred when he tried to provide constructive feedback to an airline captain following a rough flight….
A mass casualty aviation mishap caused by a lack of professionalism has yet to strike; but it’s clear that tremors of unprofessionalism rumble just beneath the surface. From the flight…
Promoting Safety Communication Within the Aviation Department
Whether it is to get the passengers to their destination on time, return an aircraft to service before its next scheduled flight or put together a complicated 5-day trip, our…
A Culture Of Readiness And Responsibility
“Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer,German theologian In the preceding SM4 newsletter we stepped away from the written plan and examined the elements…