Safety Culture & Promotion - SM4 Safety Articles & Resources

airplane pilot looking over shoulder in a private jet

How Pilot Personality Affects Safety Culture

Pilots function at their highest level after taking a break and being away from the obligations of the flight deck. With this in mind, it’s easier to create an environment and company where pilots have higher job satisfaction that results in a better safety culture. Simply ensure they’re getting enough detachment time.

Posted on July 12, 2023
Female aviator in uniform with her head down feeling fatigued and stressed.

Understanding the Effect of Increased Aviation Demand and Fatigue on Pilots

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on the aviation industry, with travel restrictions and flight cancellations severely impacting air travel over the past three years. Business aviation was one of the most impacted air travel sectors, as organizations opted for virtual meetings or found other ways to engage remotely with their clients and colleagues.

Posted on April 4, 2023
Male and female mechanics with clipboard and voltage tester working on helicopter engine in hangar.

Quality of Life and Its Implications for Safety, Attraction & Retention

We are often asked, “What are the greatest factors in an aviation operation that influence attraction, retention and operational safety?” Without a doubt, the most frequent response we get when talking one-on-one with hundreds of aviation professionals is quality of life. Then, company leadership commonly asks us, “What has the greatest impact on quality of life for those in an aviation organization?”

Posted on January 10, 2023
female mechanic review specs on tablet

Getting to Zero One Report at a Time

In the world of safety management, the goal is zero accidents and incidents. While zero may seem an elusive and unreachable goal, improvements in processes and attitudes can prevent accidents and generate a positive culture of safety within an organization if everyone participates.

Posted on December 6, 2022
hand holding a lightbulb

A Time for Reflection and a Call to Action

As we prepare to flip the calendar from 2022 to 2023, will we do so with something other than a few new gifts and a list of New Year’s resolutions? How can we best use this moment to make a lasting and positive change in our personal lives and organizations?

Posted on December 6, 2022
pilot yawning

What If I Can’t Sleep 8 Hours?

Sleep is precious. Ample scientific evidence exists that getting enough sleep sharpens the brain, improves mood, helps with weight management and boosts athletic performance. In fact, the American Heart Association recently added sleep to its cardiovascular health checklist. But what if you’re an aviation professional who struggles to get eight consecutive hours? Your total daily sleep may be enough.

Posted on November 7, 2022
businessman with jet lag

The Two Effects of Jet Lag

Everyone who has travelled in an airplane is familiar with jet lag. True, the effect only applies when travelling east or west. But jet lag is so pervasive and annoying—not to mention a safety risk for pilots—that it merits serious discussion.

Posted on August 5, 2022
business meeting

Riptide: Psychological Safety in a Cancel-Culture World

There is a dangerous riptide taking place between what is acceptable in our society and what is necessary in our workplace. As everything turns into an “us vs. them” war of opinions, the ability to respectfully listen to others is rapidly becoming a lost art. Aviation must, once again, demonstrate its leadership in constructive communication.

Posted on March 1, 2022
mechanics checking aircraft

7 Questions to Help You Create Great Safety Objectives

Preventing problems is much more efficient and effective than addressing them after they occur. However, as Dan Heath points out in his book “Upstream: The Quest to Solve Problems Before They Occur,” there are barriers to “upstream” thinking that must be overcome. This starts with organizations asking themselves seven key questions.

Posted on November 30, 2021