Safety Culture & Promotion - SM4 Safety Articles & Resources

Aviation Safety—Grounded!
When we talk about aviation safety, our attention often goes to aircraft operational concerns. They are important, but by no means do they represent all the risks in a flight department. So, what’s “the rest of the story”?

Mitigating Risk – Amidst the Chaos
There have been more high-profile aviation accidents in the last few months than in the last few decades. As we mourn those we have lost and aim not to make assumptions before final reports are completed, we must focus, personally and professionally, on assessing the risk of something similar happening within our aviation enterprises.

The Insidious Nature of the Routine
When routine tasks become familiar and are no longer actively assessed for threats, they often are the first link in an error chain that results in a serious mishap. It is natural for crews to become comfortable with seemingly low-risk tasks, allowing complacency and distractions to permeate their focused attention.

Cognitive Overload in Aviation Training: Understanding and Mitigating Risks
If we look through a microscope at the elements of “safety”, we see things that are often hidden. We secretly know that the rules don’t matter as much as the attitude of the company and the person using them. The reality is that the rules are simply a benchmark to form a circle of safety parameters around an organization to establish the minimum level of safety.

Peer Support Programs: Transforming How Aviation Addresses Mental Health
While the industry has evolved in acknowledging these issues, stigma still impedes many from seeking available resources. Here, the significance of Peer Support Programs (PSPs) has been increasingly recognized. These initiatives offer a confidential haven where concerns can be openly discussed, free from judgment.

How High Demand Can Lead to Decreased Professionalism
It’s a good time to be an aviation professional. Demand is high, and supply is low. Options are many. Wages are up. For the first time in years, professionals in the aviation industry have the upper hand. But there is a dark underbelly to these good times.

Preparedness and Protocols for Encountering Protests and Demonstrations
Civil unrest, workforce strikes and political demonstrations present unique safety elements for our global mobile aviation industry. Business aviation, despite a very low collective carbon footprint and many significant contributions to green energy initiatives, is unfairly and increasingly targeted by protestors.

FAR Part 91 Safety – What You Can Do Right Now
In a previous article (“FAR Part 91 Safety—Is It Time for a Wake-Up Call?”), we provided insights from 19 current directors of aviation about the state of safety in the…

More Than a Box Tick: Achieving Operational Flexibility With an FRMS
Moms know best. This adage holds true in many domains of family life—allergies, grades, crushes. When thinking about aviation safety, though, perhaps the best illustration drawn from mom’s expertise is…