Links to External Resources

Covid-19 / Pandemic Resources

Medaire Offers Covid-19 Testing and Tracking

Gray Stone Advisors: What’s Waking You at 2am?

Gray Stone Advisors: Regaining Passengers’ Travel Comfort

Gray Stone Advisors: Increasing Aircraft Utilization in the Post-Pandemic Environment

SM4 Safety Update: Operational Considerations for the COVID-19 Pandemic

MedAire: COVID-19 Information and Resources

Fireside Partners: COVID-19 Pandemic Resources

Baldwin Aviation: 5 Things Your Org Can Be Doing Now to Prepare for Life After Corona

NBAA: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Safety Regulations—Learn what the FAA requires. This is most useful if you are a commercial operator. Contact your local FSDO or the FAA website.—If you are a NATA member, contact them and request their latest training program list.—NBAA offers a comprehensive course for members wishing to build an Operations Manual from the ground up. They hold a class annually in conjunction with their meeting and convention.—The HAI runs courses for its members that are similar to the courses presented by the NBAA.

Safety Systems (SMS)—Download a copy of the ICAO Safety Management Manual—For a comprehensive assortment of SMS guidance documents

General—This link will take you to a comprehensive set of resources for safety. Everything from a Hazard Report library to a training video about altitude busts. Excellent search tool.

Are Safety Culture Surveys What Your Organization Has Been Missing? It has been said that an organization’s safety performance is the sum of its safety management activities and safety culture. If the safety culture is poor, then safety performance will be poor. In this Safety Culture White Paper, Jason Starke explains safety culture as an attribute of organizational culture, how organizations can evaluate their safety culture, and actions that can be taken to improve the safety culture within the organization. Some topics that are covered include what safety culture is and is not, the role safety culture plays in a healthy SMS, and methods for effectively measuring safety culture. Also discussed are some of the findings from a study involving 35 safety culture surveys administered in 2019.

Developing an Ecosystem for UAS Safety—UAS operations can be viewed as an ecosystem of sorts, with multiple components interacting with each other to create a safe environment. This ecosystem includes the people, equipment, documentation, processes, software, etc., necessary to maintain a framework of support from which the remote pilot can safely, efficiently, and accurately perform mission-oriented flights. To create this self-perpetuating ecosystem for UAS operations, from which the mission and aircraft complexity will scale, it is essential for an organization to analyze the key areas identified in this whitepaper.