Prevailance Aerospace
Upset Prevention & Recovery Training
Prevailance Aerospace is an FAA Part 141 certified provider of Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT), offering safety-focused airborne training that strengthens the skills of each and every pilot. Training programs address the leading causes of loss of control – inflight (LOC-I), the role of startle and surprise in aviation mishaps, and teach repeatable and transferable recovery techniques. Pilots train in Extra 300 Series Aircraft, designed with the highest safety margin in the industry, and practice the skills required to prevent and subsequently recover from aircraft upsets, stalls, and spins. Prevailance Aerospace instructors are former U.S. military and GA instructor pilots with decades of experience operating in the most dynamic environments. www.prevailanceaerospace.com
Prevailance Aerospace provides customized safety services for Global Aerospace Vista Elite clients in the United States. These services are designed to help enhance and support your existing safety programs. Some examples of programs we have provided to our clients are shown below. SM4 Vista Elite benefits are unique and customized for each flight department. (Scope of benefits depends on size of operation)
- A three-day, three-flight Initial Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) program. This program includes six hours of ground academics, three hours of airborne training, debriefs and a video with wing, tail and cockpit audio and video.
- Customized recurrent training programs
This program includes six hours of ground academics, three hours of airborne training, debriefs and a video with wing, tail and cockpit audio and video.
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