Data-Driven Training Solutions
FlightSafety International, the world’s premier professional aviation training company, provides data-based training to accelerate safety and training effectiveness. Through the collection and analysis of aggregated industry data, FlightSafety delivers focused, scenario-based training to improve decision-making and reduce risk. www.flightsafety.com
FlightSafety contributes real-world insights to employ a data-driven, risk-based approach to training in the areas of:
- Runway excursion prevention
- Touchdown point control
- Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) prevention and response
- Wingtip clearance protection
FlightSafety International provides customized safety services for Global Aerospace Vista Elite clients in the United States. These services are designed to help enhance and support your existing safety programs. SM4 Vista Elite benefits are unique and customized for each flight department. Scope of benefits depends on size of operation, but may include:
- Use of Flight Department derived FOQA data to design more targeted training programs
- Providing FOQA data derived from simulator training sessions to Flight Departments