SM4 Safety Articles & Resources

Sea of black umbrellas with one gray umbrella standing out

Crushing Groupthink in Pursuit of Safety: A Case Study

I recently had the wonderfully unique experience of working with a group of experts who didn’t give a damn about hurting each other’s feelings. The team was tasked to produce…

Posted on February 8, 2016
3 apes: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

Safety Culture…Continuous Nurturing Required

Culture is to organizations what personality is to individuals—every person has one and every organization has one. Whether that culture is supportive or stifling, transparent or guarded, inclusive or selective,…

Posted on January 11, 2016
Close up of chess board and pieces

Sorry, There’s No App For That

Experiential Learning and Achieving Cerebral Retention Since when did we become an industry of passive learners, perfectly content to sit quietly through another lectern-leaning, talking head presenter? Even if he…

Posted on December 3, 2015

Emergency Response Planning – Integrating a Family Assistance Service Provider

Ask any organization with a solid culture what they would do if faced with an aviation accident, and the answer will often be “take care of the families.” These same…

Posted on December 3, 2015
Ocean waves crashing during storm

A Source of Stability Amidst a Torrent of Change

Our industry is on the bow wave of some of the greatest change in the last 50 years. Tens of thousands of new pilots and maintenance professionals are entering the…

Posted on October 30, 2015
Aircraft flying above the clouds

A Brief History of Upset Training

On March 3, 1991, a Boeing 737 crashed near the approach end of Colorado Springs Municipal Airport runway 35. The cause of the crash was later determined to be loss…

Posted on October 2, 2015
Commercial plane landing at dusk

How Supply Chain/External Vendors Can Impact Your SMS Performance

For companies that have implemented a Safety Management System, the word “audit” has become an integral part of day-to-day operations. Yet, how many organizations actually examine the safety performance of…

Posted on September 8, 2015
Drone flying at sunset

FAA Proposed Rules for Small UAS Fall Short

In February 2015 the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released its long-awaited Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) on rules for small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS). The proposed rules outline both…

Posted on August 3, 2015
Globe with flight paths

On Approach with ASIAS

If we pause, take a look back and see how far we have come in our safety programs, we have made significant steps that have evolved into mature safety management…

Posted on July 7, 2015