Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) Tools
Here are several links to tools and discussions related to Fatigue Risk Management. Included on the site is a “Return On Investment” (ROI) calculator. www.mxfatigue.com
Here is a link to Transport Canada’s FRMS toolbox. It provides good baseline discussions in PDF formats that can be used to build your training programs. http://goo.gl/Ws083
The International Federation of Airline Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) Fatigue Risk Management System Implementation Guide for Operators is an excellent reference for anyone contemplating the development of a formal FRMS. Download a PDF of the guide.
Here is a link to a comprehensive set of Dr. Mark Rosekind’s presentations relating to fatigue awareness and fatigue risk management. Dr. Rosekind is a Member of the NTSB and a leading researcher in the field of Fatigue management. http://goo.gl/5CjWk
Fatigue Risk Management Systems: Implementation Guide for Operators (IATA / ICAO / IFALPA)
FAA InFo 10013 – Fatigue Risk Management Plans (FRMP) for Part 121 Air Carriers – Part One
FAA InFo 10017 – Fatigue Risk Management Plans (FRMP) for Part 121 Air Carriers – Part Two
FAA Advisory Circular 120-100 Basics of Aviation Fatigue
FAA Advisory Circular 120-103 Fatigue Risk Management Systems for Aviation Safety
FAA Maintenance Fatigue
FAA Fatigue Risk Assessment Tool
FAST Schedule Modeling Tool
Jeppesen Crew Alert
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