Safety Training - SM4 Safety Articles & Resources

part of Jupiter taken by the NASA Juno spacecraft

Seeing Is Believing: How Cognitive Bias Impacts Safety Decision-Making

Take a look at the image below. A long-lost Picasso? A ceremonial mask from an aboriginal jungle tribe? Nope. This is a close-up photo of part of Jupiter taken by the NASA Juno spacecraft on 7 September 2023.

Posted on January 16, 2024
Aircraft crew meeting passengers.

Passenger Pressure

The vast quantity of knowledge that must be stuffed into a pilot’s head is just one reason only 0.2% of the U.S. population has at least a Private Pilot Certificate. As the ratings grow, the percentages decrease even further. There are a variety of reasons the pilot population is small and dwindling. Having the self-discipline to get all that knowledge into one brain through study, training and experience is daunting and costly. However, once you get paid to fly, it’s all worth it.

Posted on November 9, 2023
urban transportation with eVTOL

Got eVTOL?

Electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicles bring out the very best futuristic, gravity-defying and green versions of us all. The idea is not entirely new, offering vertical movement with lateral mobility and making the concept of a runway almost trivial.

Posted on October 2, 2023
Building Organizational Culture blocks stacked

Aviation Emergency Response Training Explained

Emergency Response Plans (ERPs), however, are much more infrequently used in most organizations. When an abnormal situation disrupts your operation, is your team versed in their roles? Are they prepared to handle the emergency? Do they know what their responsibilities are?

Posted on September 5, 2023
Female manager leading a business lecture.

Emergency Response as Applied Leadership

The task of responding to an emergency is a daunting one. The organization has already experienced harm or a severe threat to its personnel, equipment and reputation because of the emergency, and a poorly run response can bring further damage to one or all those areas. Confronted with this pressure, the sense of urgency inherent with emergencies and an onslaught of new and rapidly changing information, nerves tend to run high, and acuity drops significantly.

Posted on June 6, 2023
flight training

Safe Flights—It Takes All of Us!

Aviation safety is crucial to safeguarding human lives and preserving public trust in air travel. There are many factors and components of aviation safety. Human factors, aircraft design, maintenance, air traffic management, operational procedures, regulations, training and education, to name a few.

Posted on June 6, 2023
Multi-ethnic group of airplane mechanics and their coordinator talking in the hangar.

What Would Marcus Aurelius Do?

In a recent discussion with an experienced pilot about this, he immediately gave his biggest concern. “It’s not just about pilots or air traffic controllers, everybody is new,” he said. From maintenance personnel to ground support, thousands of new entries into our industry are learning as they go and making simple mistakes along the way. It has always been this way with inexperienced people, but now we have a lot more of them.

Posted on April 4, 2023
Small plane crashes through fence in emergency landing.

Strategies for Reducing a Concerning Trend in Runway Excursions

Over a four-year period ending in 2010, there were 20 runway excursions at Jackson Hole, WY (KJAC). As a result of this uptick in excursions, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) published Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO) 11011. A combination of the heightened awareness created by the SAFO and the Jackson Hole airport and operators adopting many of the recommendations successfully has mitigated excursions over the last 12 years.

Posted on February 28, 2023
Upset Recovery Training

Take the Stairs!

It is only human nature to seek the easy button and attempt to expedite the path to understanding and mastering skills. Unfortunately, this streamlined approach is inconsistent and far less effective than its more methodical, and occasionally longer, counterpart.

Posted on January 10, 2023