Safety Systems (SMS) - SM4 Safety Articles & Resources


Airport Risk Profile – The Vehicle Service Road

As air transport continues its recovery, airport operations—particularly passenger traffic—are steadily increasing to all-time highs. As this is occurring, airport ground operations are dealing with fixed gates and infrastructure challenges to service the increased volume. Workforce challenges, employee retention, system outages and weather impacts have challenged many airports and their handling agents to keep up. Airports and service providers must work together to manage the emerging risks.

Posted on August 9, 2023
airport ground crew

Three-Word Magic

There are many well-known three-word mantras that serve as “human performance shorthand” and can help us handle stressful situations more effectively. One new one we could all probably benefit from in our personal lives is “Relax – Reassess – Re-engage.” When the stuff hits the fan, it gives us somewhere to go mentally, and using it regularly improves the life-saving skill known as mental agility.

Posted on August 9, 2023
Ground personnel performing safety inspection of an aircraft.

Maximizing Your SMS: Differences Between Audits, Evaluations and Investigations

Audits, evaluations and investigations are distinctively different and powerful tools for supporting decision-making within an organization’s safety management system (SMS). Understanding the differences of the SMS “big three” can help us utilize each tool at the right time with minimal resources and result in the quality decision-making required within the SMS risk management framework.

Posted on May 2, 2023
Female aviator in uniform with her head down feeling fatigued and stressed.

Understanding the Effect of Increased Aviation Demand and Fatigue on Pilots

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on the aviation industry, with travel restrictions and flight cancellations severely impacting air travel over the past three years. Business aviation was one of the most impacted air travel sectors, as organizations opted for virtual meetings or found other ways to engage remotely with their clients and colleagues.

Posted on April 4, 2023
Multi-ethnic group of airplane mechanics and their coordinator talking in the hangar.

What Would Marcus Aurelius Do?

In a recent discussion with an experienced pilot about this, he immediately gave his biggest concern. “It’s not just about pilots or air traffic controllers, everybody is new,” he said. From maintenance personnel to ground support, thousands of new entries into our industry are learning as they go and making simple mistakes along the way. It has always been this way with inexperienced people, but now we have a lot more of them.

Posted on April 4, 2023
risk management team

Management of Change (MoC): A Collaborative Approach To Raising Awareness Amidst a Constant State of Change

Identifying and managing hazards affecting an operation’s integrity is a fundamental objective of all flight departments or organizations working within a risk-based environment. In aviation, more and more operators are coming to the conclusion, and rightly so, that mere regulatory compliance is not an assurance of operational integrity and safety.

Posted on February 28, 2023
Small plane crashes through fence in emergency landing.

Strategies for Reducing a Concerning Trend in Runway Excursions

Over a four-year period ending in 2010, there were 20 runway excursions at Jackson Hole, WY (KJAC). As a result of this uptick in excursions, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) published Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO) 11011. A combination of the heightened awareness created by the SAFO and the Jackson Hole airport and operators adopting many of the recommendations successfully has mitigated excursions over the last 12 years.

Posted on February 28, 2023
Close-up of hand using writing pen.

SMS and ERP: Moving Toward Full Integration

Regulatory approaches to aviation safety are after-the-fact reactions to major incidents and accidents or historical data studies. Where working safety professionals value proactivity and prevention, governmental agencies often take an…

Posted on January 31, 2023
female mechanic review specs on tablet

Getting to Zero One Report at a Time

In the world of safety management, the goal is zero accidents and incidents. While zero may seem an elusive and unreachable goal, improvements in processes and attitudes can prevent accidents and generate a positive culture of safety within an organization if everyone participates.

Posted on December 6, 2022