Prevailance Aerospace - SM4 Safety Articles & Resources

Aircraft on snowy runway in mountains

Mitigating Risk – Amidst the Chaos

There have been more high-profile aviation accidents in the last few months than in the last few decades. As we mourn those we have lost and aim not to make assumptions before final reports are completed, we must focus, personally and professionally, on assessing the risk of something similar happening within our aviation enterprises.

Posted on March 5, 2025
UPRT Flight training

Rise Up for the Next Generation

There is no doubt in my mind that flying is the way mankind is meant to travel, yet the continued success and growth of the industry requires a refined approach to safety. As someone who flies commercially and with a new interest in a career in aviation, I want the reassurance that the pilot in command (PIC) and crew are adequately prepared if and when an aircraft ends up in an upset.

Posted on October 1, 2024
Unexpected Nose Low Upset

Three Considerations That Set Pilots Up for Success

Constantly reviewing aviation accidents and incidents is challenging. As an instructor, it is not only the injuries and fatalities that make it hard, but the sheer magnitude of avoidable aspects of each incident. These safety reports prove that every Pilot in Command (PIC) is accountable for what transpires.

Posted on June 3, 2024
upset recovery training flight

The Denominator Is not Common

When was the last time you identified the “goods” and “others” of any given event to improve efficiency and effectiveness? If it’s been a while, bring these words back into your daily routine. There is merit in shared experiences and the refinement of small nuances to create significant value. No organization or person in it is perfect.

Posted on January 16, 2024
urban transportation with eVTOL

Got eVTOL?

Electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicles bring out the very best futuristic, gravity-defying and green versions of us all. The idea is not entirely new, offering vertical movement with lateral mobility and making the concept of a runway almost trivial.

Posted on October 2, 2023
flight training

Safe Flights—It Takes All of Us!

Aviation safety is crucial to safeguarding human lives and preserving public trust in air travel. There are many factors and components of aviation safety. Human factors, aircraft design, maintenance, air traffic management, operational procedures, regulations, training and education, to name a few.

Posted on June 6, 2023
Upset Recovery Training

Take the Stairs!

It is only human nature to seek the easy button and attempt to expedite the path to understanding and mastering skills. Unfortunately, this streamlined approach is inconsistent and far less effective than its more methodical, and occasionally longer, counterpart.

Posted on January 10, 2023
Upset Recovery Training

Get Yourself to Yes

I am not a picky eater, but I was 40 years old before I ever ate a Brussels sprout. My grandfather didn’t eat them, my father didn’t eat them, and I’ll be gosh darned if I was ever going to have one cross the plane of my mouth. (Stick with me—there’s a connection to aviation training and safety here!)

Posted on October 4, 2022
Upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT)

What Stops Pilots from Training Like Elite Athletes?

Every pilot is cool, calm and confident when it’s VFR with the autopilot on and an airplane functioning flawlessly. What happens when one or more of these factors change; possibly inadvertent IFR or an unexpected mechanical malfunction?

Posted on June 1, 2022