Convergent Performance - SM4 Safety Articles & Resources
Take the Fight to the Enemy: Combating Human Error is Still Our Top Challenge
A few years back, after the publication of Blue Threat: Why to Err is Inhuman, I was interviewed on the topic of human error. With the rash of human error…
Sacred Ground: Walking the Path of Potential
I recently spoke at an annual safety stand down, held by an aeromedical evacuation company on the anniversary of a tragic fatal mishap they experienced a few years back. I…
Tigers and Ducks
A U.S. Navy pilot once wrote, “In aviation you very rarely get your head bitten off by a tiger – you usually get nibbled to death by ducks.” What he…
The Wake Up Call
Every once in a while, you get a jolt of reality that puts your preparation status, or lack thereof, in a new light…
Convergent Debrief Card
What is the Two Minute Debrief and why should I care? The two minute debrief was developed by Convergent Performance for the airline industry to restore the value and culture…
Professionalism Pledge
Convergent Performance, a veteran owned small business located in Colorado Springs, has made a bold proclamation in support of aviation safety by publicly stating they will lead a global effort…
Professionalism 101: Why We Must Re-Address Professional Ethics
Professional ethics is a deceptively complex issue. It is personal, volatile and potentially a legal powder keg. It makes people nervous. This is true largely because any discussion of ethics involves questioning…
Aren’t We All Professionals? The cult of self-esteem is getting people killed.
Recently, a pilot buddy in a position of authority shared a story of what occurred when he tried to provide constructive feedback to an airline captain following a rough flight….
A mass casualty aviation mishap caused by a lack of professionalism has yet to strike; but it’s clear that tremors of unprofessionalism rumble just beneath the surface. From the flight…