SM4 Safety Articles & Resources

Two pilots in cockpit flying above a city

Why is it ALWAYS the Pilot’s Fault?

Read any given NTSB accident investigation and you will find that the pilot is at least partially responsible for the accident. If it is not the pilot’s stick and rudder…

Posted on August 7, 2017
Pilot wearing oxygen mask in cockpit

Crew Resource Management: Two Critical Mask Donning Checklist Items

Following a cabin depressurization, the successful donning of a mask should be added to the emergency protocol. Incorporating these two key steps into the emergency descent procedure could further reduce…

Posted on July 11, 2017
Commercial plane flying in clouds

Why Angle of Attack (AoA)?

Aviation authorities around the world, including our own FAA, have made conquering Loss of Control Inflight (LOC-I) a top priority. In order to take on the #1 cause of fatalities…

Posted on July 11, 2017
Jet plane landing on snowy runway

How to Address the Top 4 Challenges Faced by Most Flight Departments

If your flight department operates one-to-three aircraft, you’re likely facing resource constraints. And depending on how you manage them, they can make or break your operating success. Because a lack…

Posted on June 12, 2017
Small plane banking left in the sky

UPRT Skills Transferability: Effectively Addressing the #1 Killer in Aviation Today

Why would I train in an aerobatic airplane when I normally fly a corporate jet? Or a twin turboprop? These are common questions to which Upset Prevention and Recovery Training…

Posted on June 12, 2017
Two pilots sitting in cockpit

Fatigue Risk Management – Valuable for Safety, Good for Business

Aviation has embraced a safety culture and a desire to mitigate risk on a continual basis. In 2016, IS-BAO added a dedicated chapter for fatigue risk management. This formalization reflects…

Posted on May 4, 2017
Mom and child smiling in coach seats

Medical Advisory: Safe Sleeping, Best Seats and More Safety Tips for Air Travel with Children

Let’s face it, traveling with children can be stressful. Whether on a commercial aircraft or a private flight, one of the most challenging times is when a child becomes unwell…

Posted on May 3, 2017

A Step-by-Step Guide to Prevent Skills Atrophy

Congratulations, you’ve finally earned every certificate you’ve ever wanted.  Well done!  Unfortunately, you have already begun to experience “skills atrophy”, affecting all that you have just worked so hard to…

Posted on May 2, 2017
Lock around cables

Protecting Your Data While in Flight

Many think their data can’t be hacked—until it is. The Problem: Data theft or disruption of network systems is costing companies money, downtime, and often their reputations. Flight departments are…

Posted on April 11, 2017