SM4 Safety Articles & Resources

mechanic working on aircraft in hangar

Aviation Safety—Grounded!

When we talk about aviation safety, our attention often goes to aircraft operational concerns. They are important, but by no means do they represent all the risks in a flight department. So, what’s “the rest of the story”?

Posted on March 5, 2025
Aircraft on snowy runway in mountains

Mitigating Risk – Amidst the Chaos

There have been more high-profile aviation accidents in the last few months than in the last few decades. As we mourn those we have lost and aim not to make assumptions before final reports are completed, we must focus, personally and professionally, on assessing the risk of something similar happening within our aviation enterprises.

Posted on March 5, 2025
Pilots outside a private jet plane preparing flight path and check list from digital tablet

Data Sharing: The Heartbeat of Safety in the Skies

Flying today is anything but a simple, straightforward path. Pilots have multiple factors to consider for ensuring the safest and most sustainable flight experience.

Posted on February 7, 2025
ground crew signaling the pilot with marshalling wands at airport

The Insidious Nature of the Routine

When routine tasks become familiar and are no longer actively assessed for threats, they often are the first link in an error chain that results in a serious mishap. It is natural for crews to become comfortable with seemingly low-risk tasks, allowing complacency and distractions to permeate their focused attention.

Posted on February 7, 2025
Air traffic control team working in airport tower

Code Red: Planning for the Cyberattack Aftermath

This is an era of rapid change and technological advancement, and although it is challenging, responsible organizations seek to manage and mitigate cyber risks. Insecure systems and uncertain people, added to inadequate contingency plans, create a perfect business continuity storm in the aftermath of a cyberattack.

Posted on December 10, 2024
Aircraft mechanic inspects a jet in hangar at airport

Let’s Get Personal (About Risk)

Aviation loves to talk about risk management. Insurance companies, manufacturers, and organizations all fully embrace the concept and know that to make it work on the line, we must get people at all levels and from all functional areas to embrace it. Tools such as the Flight Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT) are noble attempts, but at the core of it all lies the simple fact that people, as individuals, view risk differently.

Posted on December 10, 2024
check engine lights

Check Engine Light: The Illusion of Program Effectiveness

An aviation company’s responsibility is to ensure regulatory compliance and conformance to its internal policies, procedures and processes, including voluntary standards. To do that, leaders and team members throughout an organization must understand and monitor the “dashboard lights.”

Posted on November 5, 2024
person writing in notebook

Gaining Insight Into the Living DNA of a Safety Management System

Managing safety culture is like baking bread. It is a living organism, and no matter how you measure the ingredients and bake it, each loaf has its own unique shape, color and crumb. However, a multidimensional safety culture survey can be a vital tool for periodic assessment and improvement.

Posted on November 5, 2024
UPRT Flight training

Rise Up for the Next Generation

There is no doubt in my mind that flying is the way mankind is meant to travel, yet the continued success and growth of the industry requires a refined approach to safety. As someone who flies commercially and with a new interest in a career in aviation, I want the reassurance that the pilot in command (PIC) and crew are adequately prepared if and when an aircraft ends up in an upset.

Posted on October 1, 2024