The Global Aerospace Commitment to Safety
The Global Aerospace SM4 Safety Program has revolutionized the way insurance specialists help their clients achieve higher levels of operational safety. Launched in 2010, and the first program of its kind, SM4 was built on the concept of integrating four critical safety components: planning, prevention, response and recovery. Its mission is to help organizations manage risk, enrich training efforts, strengthen safety culture and improve safety management systems.

Aviation Safety—Grounded!
When we talk about aviation safety, our attention often goes to aircraft operational concerns. They are important, but by no means do they represent all the risks in a flight department. So, what’s “the rest of the story”?

Mitigating Risk – Amidst the Chaos
There have been more high-profile aviation accidents in the last few months than in the last few decades. As we mourn those we have lost and aim not to make assumptions before final reports are completed, we must focus, personally and professionally, on assessing the risk of something similar happening within our aviation enterprises.